Note for A byte of Python
First of all, thanks so much to Swaroop for A byte of Python book, it’s really a excellent guide on Python. Python is a dynamic interpreted language. Due to open-source nature, it has been ported to many platforms.
here are some notes should be attention as a beginner:
python support literal variable, such as you can use my_list = [1,2]
define a list variable quickly. String is immutable. there are 3 type to specify strings, single quotes, double quotes and triple quotes. Triple quotes coule be used for specify multi-line strings, and you can use single quotes and double quotes within that. So we don’t need to use backslash to escape quotes in quotes. nice feature.
####parse varible in string?
In php, we can use variable in string with double quotes directly. but in python, we should use string.format instead. such as :
print 'my age is {0}, age is {1}'.format(name, age)
#you can use another type
print 'my age is %s, age is %d' % (name, age)
in fact , format is powerful and useful:
#make float
print '{0:.3f}'.format(1.0/3) # 0.333
#expand string
print '{0:_^11}'.format('hello') # ___hello___
####string method
, substring in stringfind
, str.find(sub)join
, ‘‘.join(list)
Most programing language use semicolon (;
) to indicate the end of a statement. But Python encourages the use of single statemeng perline which makes code more readable. That idea means that we should never use semicolon.
but if you have a longline of code, you can break it into mutil-line by using the backslash(like break long string in JavaScript):
s = 'this is a long\
string '
#this is a long string
Indentation is very important, Python parser check code block by indentation (we dont use {}
to indicate code block). Generally we suggest use 4 spaces for indentation.
(in js , we can use!
(in js , we can use&&
(in js , we can use||
operator can be used for string, tuple and dict. nice!
###四.Control Flow
- if, elif, else. you can write them in one line
value_when_true if condition else value_when_false
- while, break, continue
- for, for i in data. data could be range(1,10), string, list, dict.
Javascript doesnot support block scope, Python do it well:
#Javascript case:
var g = 1
function fn(){
g = 2
//g: 2
//g: 2
#Python case:
#global var
def fn():
#local var
#we changed value of g, this won't change global var
print g #2
print g #1
sometimes we want to modify global var in function, we can use global
#global var
g = 1
def fn():
global g
g = 2
print g #2
print g #2
####default arguments
wen can given a default value for arguments in function, by that we dont need to check whether a argument is Undefined before using it:
def repeatStr(s, times = 2):
print s*times
repeatStr('hi', 5)
####Keyword arguments
If you have function with more arguments and you just want to specify only one of them, you can give values by naming them, and dont worry about the order of arguments. It’s really useful, exactly.
def keyArg(a,b=0,c=0):
print a, b, c
####varArg parameters
If our function arguments is dynamic, we can use stars:
def varArg(i, *num, **key):
print i
print num
print key
Module is good for code reuse.
can be used for figuring out whether the module runned standalone or being imported. and we can use it to test single module:
if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'the module runned by imported'
Want to organize modules? A package has coming. It’s just a folders of modules with a
file that tells python the folder is special for modules. Package could be nested.
###七.Data structure
####list [1,2]
Just like Array in JavaScript, list items has an order, and can be mutable. supproted method:
- append
- len
- sort, but we’d better use
instead del list[index]
- use
access specify item
####tuple (1,2)
Like list but immutable, use parenthese instead of square brackets. Although parenthese is optional, we always using it.
####dict {key: value}
like Json, couples of key and value
- items, a list with tuples which include key and value. be useful in
for in
statement - iteritems,a itemiterator object memory address, but taken similar effect in
for in
.. to be confirm. - keys
- values
- del
show case:
#get value by key
D = {'age': 25, 'name': 'darven'}
for key,value in D.items():
if value == 25:
print key
String, list, tuple mentioned sequence and can slice specify part of them. items and their indexs:
l=['a', 'b', 'c']
1 2 3
-3 -2 -1
l[startPos: endPos] #notice endPos not including item in end postion
slice operation provice another arguments – step:
L = [1,2,3,4]
print L[::2] # [1,3]
print L[::3] # [1,4]
print L[::-1] # [4,3,2,1], similar with inverse
the variable for object only points to memory which object is stored.
l = [1,3,5]
ll = l
print ll
# ll has been affected
print ll
to avoid that, we can make a copy :
l = [1,3,5]
ll = l[:]
print ll
# ll remains init values
print ll
Self – a variable refers to itself in class
class Person:
#class inited, __init__ runned
def __init__(self, name):
print name, 'has beed inited' = name
def say(self):
print 'hi',
p = Person('jack')
####Data: Class var and Object var
Class var are shared – they can be accessed by all instances of Class, if one instance changed a Class var, other instance of Class will seen this change. Object var owned by each instance of Class. Each object has one copy.
one exception, adding double underscore prefix to class var, this var will be private.
class Toy:
#class var
count = 0
#if you want to have a private var ,you cau add special prefix: __private
def __init__(self, name):
#name is object var = name
# here use className as prefix
# also, we can use : self.__class__.count +=1
Toy.count +=1
def gone(self):
print, 'gone'
# here use className as prefix
Toy.count -=1
def howmany(cls):
print 'class count is: ', cls.count
toy1 = Toy('aa')
toy2 = Toy('bb')
the purpose of inheritance is reuse of code. It’s not easy to create a well superclass.
class Girl:
def __init__(self,name): = name
print name, 'inited'
def show(self):
print 'name is: %s ' %
#notice ,specify base class in a tuple following the subclass name
#python support multiple inheritance
class Beautygirl(Girl):
def __init__(self,name, leg):
#notice: using self to call init of base class
#python doesnot call consturctor of base class
Girl.__init__(self, name)
self.leg = leg
print 'beautygirl inited named:',
def show(self):
#python look for method by chain
print 'my leg is: %s ' % self.leg
bg1 = Beautygirl('michelle', 'white, long')
use raw_input
to interactive with user
inputs = raw_input('what do you want?\n')
if inputs in ['money', 'girl', 'happy']:
print 'good idea'
print 'you wanna :', inputs
write file
text = 'hi guys'
f = open(file, 'w')
file operation mode can be read(r
), write(w
) and append(a
Also, we can use pickle
module to store/load plain Python object. It’s handy for saving user data.
import pickle
#in write and binary mode
f = open('./', 'wb' )
pickle.dump(mymod.D, f)
f = open('./', 'rb' )
getData = pickle.load(f)
print getData
type can solve multiple characters problem. and we need to convert unicdoe string into a format that can be sent or received. the format calls UTF-8
import io
f ='./text_cn.txt', 'at', encoding = 'utf-8')
f.write(u'origin ascii code, \u8000\u8001')
print'./text_cn.txt', encoding = 'utf-8').read()
inputs = raw_input('what do you want?\n')
except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
print 'keyboardInterrupt or eofError'
print inputs
print 'finally print, you will see it whatever'
similar with try finally
with open('./test.txt') as f:
for line in f:
print line